About Dual Frequency
Dual Frequency is a specialist social justice training, consultancy and resource provider that seeks to promote dialogue in relation to inclusion; it is our view that diversity is our most important renewable resource. We work with schools, local authorities and organisations to help embed diversity by providing training and resources that help make this happen.
From workshops, podcasts, digital calendars and lesson plans, to the building blocks of a diversified curriculum, our resources will help you bring diversity, equality and inclusion into your organisation.
Not sure where to begin? Get to know our diversity calendar.
We create publications and diverse teaching resources showcasing positive stories from diverse communities
The Beginning
Founded by best friends, advocates and campaigners for social justice, Charlotte Andrew, Carly Hind & Cindy Yau, Dual Frequency launched in May 2020 to amplify the words and efforts of those making strides towards a more inclusive world.
Our mission is to help teachers, schools and organisations foster environments free from discrimination where children and young people are accepted for who they are and who they wish to be. We view acceptance of others as a way of thinking and feeling—but most importantly, of acting—that gives us space to be individuals, respect for those unlike us, the knowledge to discern humane values and the courage to act upon them.
At Dual Frequency, we believe difference is our most valuable resource, we aim to eradicate prejudice, hate and bias through positive representation - which starts with education. Finally, we want to be very clear about one thing: although as editors we are part of minority groups, we do not represent or claim to represent all of those featured in Dual Frequency. We do, however, consider ourselves allies and hope that you will too, irrespective of your background, or your identity. Enjoy!
Where are we now?
Dual Frequency creates free resources for people working with children and young people from nursery through to high school and beyond. Teachers use our resources to enhance the curriculum, to diversify the content of their teaching and to create more inclusive school environments where children see themselves reflected positively in the classrooms, feel respected, valued and welcomed for who they are and who they wish to be.
At Dual Frequency we emphasise human rights, dignity, respect and positive representation. Positive representation and human rights encourages children and young people to be anti-biased, challenge prejudice and be agents of change in the world. Our mission statement underpins all the work we do, with materials produced in partnership with the communities they feature.
Our Mission
Positive representation is at the heart of Dual Frequency. We showcase positive role models, shine light on positive stories and create resources to help instigate positive change.
We aim to instill the highest aspirations in diverse young people, constantly illustrating that there are many paths to success and they too can succeed at the highest level.
Diverse Education
A diverse education is a holistic education. We are committed to promoting diversity in the curriculum and providing resources to make this happen.
Self Development
We are not perfect, we will make mistakes and we will own them. This is part of our commitment to grow as an organisation through continued learning.
Equality and Fairness
All decisions we make will be grounded in the fundamentals of basic human rights, dignity and respect.
Our Diversity Services
From posters and lesson plans, to the building blocks of a diversified curriculum, our resources will help you bring diversity, equality and inclusion into your classroom—all for FREE.
The Dual Frequency magazine is released online quarterly and features a range of information and stories from diverse people. Alongside each issue we will publish a set of teaching resources that can be used in schools and other educational settings.
We celebrate the people who are already making a difference for equality, diversity and inclusion, and we want to amplify those conversations so they are heard by as many people as possible. Let's be honest, positive representation of diverse groups isn't happening anywhere near as much as it should be. Our aim within each publication and resource is to amplify stories from a diverse range of people who are making waves in the real world.
Our blog provides tips for teachers and leadership teams as well as amplifying stories from unique and diverse individuals. Want to be a featured author? Contact us via our community submissions page.
Want to get more diversity into your classrooms? Tune in to our podcast ‘Talking Diversity’ from the Three C's - Charlotte, Carly and Cindy as we talk about our lives, work, and our passion for diversity. In this show we deconstruct themes, talk to teachers and dig deep to find the tools and resources that listeners can use to diversify their classrooms.
Do you need our help to embed your equality, diversity and inclusion policies and strategies? We can help you to:
Incorporate our inclusion standards to create and sustain classroom and school environments that honour diversity, equity and justice;
Speak up—and teach students to speak up—against bias and injustice;
Build a collaborative and respectful learning community with a diverse group of learners and educators.
The Founders
Dual Frequency was founded by friends, advocates and campaigners for social justice, Charlotte Andrew, Carly Hind & Cindy Yau. The first magazine and accompanying resources launched in May 2020 to amplify the words and efforts of those making strides towards a more inclusive world. Since May, the founders have released two issues of their digital magazine, launched a podcast and developed various teaching resources to highlight subjects such as children’s rights, gender equality, and positive representation of diverse groups.
When they’re not campaigning and working on Dual Frequency in their free time, Charlotte is an engagement manager in children’s social care, Carly is a full-time educator and Cindy works in PR and communications.
Carly is a full-time educator in secondary education, with a specialism in raising literacy in schools that are located in socially deprived areas. She has supported schools to embed equality, diversity and inclusion. This includes the MindTalk series of form time mental health resources. She is a published poet, mother to a future leader and a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community.
We all have a part to play in making the world feel less intimidating and lonely. It’s not enough anymore to say you’re not actively promoting hate; being passive makes you accountable too. A more inclusive world is reflective of what society truly looks like - not the version that is frequently regurgitated in the media. As an educator and member of the LGBTQ+ community, creating Dual Frequency to highlight stories by people from otherwise marginalised backgrounds is ultimately an ethical decision. Our ambition is to give the next generation of young adults the tools they require to challenge passivity and kick-start meaningful conversations around identity and belonging.
Charlotte is an engagement manager in children’s social care, with years of project management experience working in youth work, education and social care. A proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, published author, mother to a future leader, founder of lgbtyouthincare.com and an equality, diversity and inclusion speaker and trainer.
The idea for Dual Frequency has been on my mind for a long time and it seems fitting that we launch it now (2020), at a time when many people all over the world are feeling the most disparate they’ve ever felt. We can all relate to feeling like we don’t quite belong at some point in our lives – and I wanted to use my time during this pandemic to help people feel less alone and that they are worth celebrating.
We hope Dual Frequency will give young people and educators the tools they need to start a conversation about representation and equality. We all deserve the right to be treated equally and with fairness. No matter who you are, if you haven’t yet, it’s time to start speaking up for inclusion.
By day Cindy works in PR and communications, by night she is a collaborator on Dual Frequency with her two best friends. Passionate about story-telling and driving equality, diversity and inclusion in the corporate world, she has been listed in the PR Week Power Book 2020. Formerly a journalist, a bookseller and a bad waitress, Cindy has lived and worked in Nepal and China, before moving to London where she currently resides.
“It’s extraordinary in this day and age that we aren’t, in wider western society, better at harnessing the unique experiences people bring to further our organisations, schools and communities. We have all, at some stage in our lives, felt ‘different’ to those around us: what if we encouraged people from a young age to be their most different best selves? What if we embraced diversity? What if we start teaching children in classrooms that difference means that we’d all live in a more tolerant and vibrant world? Our differences can bring us together and Dual Frequency exists to share the stories of those who have not been widely shared before.”